2024 April Four Self-Portraits, One Painting

Elmer’s Clear Glue infused with acrylic ink dropped from squirt bottle onto 8×8 cold press watercolor paper, my latest I will do this for life and master that I’ll abandon before mastering begins within (my limited – this is not modesty begging, is true – hand skills) the next month

Issue: Clear Elmer’s Glue warps the heaviest watercolor paper and even when I glue the back of one heaviest piece of watercolor paper I can find to a second heaviest piece of watercolor paper I found whichever canvas had the heaviest applied Clear Elmer’s Glue warps the second even if both squeezed immediately after gluing and tightened to the other in an excellent paper press I’ve access as muscled as I can then wait a month: released object flat as a new LP but immediately starts curling, how do I record the sound it must make?

Every two-sided hexjeff is eight different self-portraits, these scans suck, you should see them in sunlight and lamp light, if you want one let me know, some I’m keeping, most I’ll share, they’re meant to be handled and turned and flipped sixteen different ways and are by the three people read into the op (and whoever two of them may show), say someone’s toddler’s grape jellied hands and peanut buttered mouth picks up one at a showing and gnaws a corner, I’ll never be so lucky, there will never be a showing

2024 April 12

I verified the word obtain
meant what I thought it did
If I wasn’t losing language
I’d claim
language – and it’s 1035 Friday night
who the fuck is tapping at my door
this is the third time
first momcat
second neighbor cat
third the fuck is this –
gooier than gooache
I forget how to spell words now

2024 February 20

Bigger, better here. If you’ve bookmarked here please bookmark there, as soon as I figure out how to export here to there here is going away next time wordpress asks me for money, I have about six months to figure out exporting. In meantime, what’s here will also be there and there will be things there that won’t be here

2024 Janubray 24

My right eye. Been enjoying and now indulging my worrying how can I date these squares if I glue them front to back and I can’t put the date, no matter how small and discreet cause the canvas spins, each hexjeff has four faces and when I write the date no matter how small and discreetly people will assume whichever way they read it is the sole orientation of the hexjeff and stop them spinning (and flipping and spinning) but *I* would like to know the month and year of something I made and despite the glut of shit posted here I don’t post everything here I like and might want to remember when I made it and with what medium, acrylic ink to words and everything between. Things will be here I want to potentially find that won’t be found at pOj or BLCKDGRD.

I resurrected Bray, deleted much of the content (it exists other places, I left just a few poems from 2010, 2011 left for visual of what was while I decide what I want going forward font, color size-wise, etc, done nothing yet), rebranded it Hexjeff ( hexheff dot blogspot dot com ), made it noxzema bottle blue, increased the size of the hexjeffs, and put it in blooger because (a) wordpress blowsso (sic), the fuck am I paying for it and now is six months or so before I need decide whether to pay for another year… but mostly (b) if I’m going to self-incriminate myself digitally while simultaneously burning all analog journals and painted squares I might as well do it on google via this chromebook

Sorry for explaining. Your mileage may vary but my trying to just say and not explain much better now than five years ago. Painting hexjeffs helps. My shitful vanity will will me to remind people from time to time of this joint, but I won’t be burying links for every post here at the other two, possibly soon to be one, places. My left eye:

2024 Januangry Rules Fool

Doesn’t exist as was above anymore. After debate, thankfully won by Fuck It (more often than not by lots Fuck It loses in many aspects of my life, many of those many loses valuable loss leaders in real life), I peeled off the yellow and blue masking tape though I thought this a good chapter one, much promise

Now that above the new above doesn’t exist does the pdf of what once existed count as an object now that no one can (not that anyone would) hold it, spin it, get fountain pen ink on the tips of fingers when you hold the edges to spin and flip over, and though you might see (but never hold, spin, get ink on your fingers) what I will glue to the back of the object that remains, *that* object will have no paste relationship to the above that no longer exists though it’s glued to what it was, yes or no, answer me, me

As for what remains on excellent cold press watercolor paper whose superior pigment absorption via rendered slaughtered horses’ hooves Fuck It if I fuck it up Fuck It if call it quits Fuck It does this poem exist, fuck yes

2024 January Killing Horses for Art

Just reminded that Arches Watercolor Paper, cold press used above on something abandoned last night before I fuck it up, uses gelatin from slaughtered horses to create the retained brilliance of pigments (especially white) more after drying than cheaper watercolor paper, in protest I won’t buy anymore tonight!

Outside now twenty degrees, single-digit windchill and the ground covered in ice and snow and I’m wearing leather shoes and I won’t eat Arches Watercolor Paper, I can slough into my closet of constantly revised and updated My Sillyass Deserted Island Five Game of infamies in the history of my complicities, That should be my epitaph, says Km’pec, drinking his poisoned blood wine

2024 January Half You See

Front half of L’s birthday card, the other side you won’t see though though you may see what I did and especially liked in the back half of L’s birthday card I won’t show you in an upcoming hexjeff that I will forget I wanted to do and rediscover in six months from now and think that it’s new

2023 December 21

Above and what’s written about it posted earlier today at the shouty place:

The Artist Giving the Finger: to be honest, like everything I make, from paintings to decent Roc ups for a rare pick-up-disc putt to human relationships, I depend entirely on coincidence which occasionally morphs into serendipity: the finger found me, I did not find the finger

2023 December 19

One of four that will sit on one inch high table card holders creating a square surrounding a lightbulb on a two inch desktop lamp base opposite the one below, two red awoogahexes opposite each other between these two, a nightlight for my daughter, for giftmas we give each other something we made

2023 December 15

Awoogahex above one side, an attempt at calm below the other, latest card in Deck of Hexjeffs, glued and bonding for the weekend in the sweet bookbinder’s handpress I have access to, I’ve no idea how many more than 52 there are now and not counting

2023 Decemblur

I had to add watercolor as a category, however long ago I started listing what was used in the object I made, not out of vanity but so I needn’t remember, it’s been longer since I used watercolor, me who once, out of vanity, swore I’d never use anything but the three primary colors and watercolor only, the fuck wrong with me (and yes, here is the song the title puts in my head)

2023 December Eye Update

My right eye above my left eye below. Both with acrylic ink, first time I’ve used, hot pink and schoolbus yellow, along with gouache, watercolor ink, clear elmers glue, table salt, 6×6 cold press block. Highest resolution the scanner I can access has plus neither can lay face down on the bed without listing. Wish you could see them in person. Will leave them on the block, I’ve a project, remember those squares with fifteen small square plastic tiles for sixteen smaller square places inside the big square you rearrange to make an image in the big square’s 16 smaller squares’ space that restaurants close to interstates would put on tables to keep kids entertained while waiting for meals on vacation trips? The triangle with fifteen holes and fourteen pegs?

One of our very favorite hikes in Moco we park at end of Hyattstown Mill Road near the firehouse on 355, the mill itself now the Hyattstown Mill Arts Project home, two weekends ago when we parked to do our loop the mill was open, the artist invited us in to see his show, inside and outside the mill a wonderful venue and project, L wants to have (I just copied the link above and wordpress alerting me the color of the link too light for your mortal eyes and I hit the menu bar to darken link color and Thank you, no, I don’t want AI assistance) a show there, the artist’s work reminded me of me, a guy who can’t draw so he makes and that bakes him happy

2023 November Fine Metaphors Abound

What did wordpress do with my avatar? Do I have to delete the previous post because wordpress thought it too big? Let’s see. Nope, now it’s gone but now it’s here.

What did wordpress do with my avatar, I still see it on dashboard, a photo of me I will never find, I tell myself to teach myself wordpress then berate myself for 37 violations of my tablet rules and I know I can’t break anything I didn’t touch and I know I just paid wordpress for another year. The photo has sentimental value as an avatar and as the avatar is the last copy, I do know where I can find other avatars

The most likely scenario is I removed it myself for some vain purpose lifespans ago and forgot and just noticed it was gone today in fine metaphors abound

2023 October Futility

Two weeks old, I haven’t painted in two weeks. Clear Elmer’s Glue, gouache, salt, watercolor ink. Scanned first with a work overhead scanner then gently laid face down on a better scanner, it is totally me to 3D shit that don’t represent unless you hold it